After more than a decade, CFA’s John MacNaught is moving on from CFA to Sportsfield Specialities in Delhi, Delaware County. John & I began a new chapter at CFA years ago by steering CFA towards field-based programs or services. After John was hired full-time, I remember wondering if there was enough for him to do. I leaned over the desk and said, “Hey, you wanna cut some trees?” Or something like that. And so began our WILDLIFE HABITAT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM where we began to liberate fruit and nut trees by cutting out adjacent vegetation. Since then, CFA now has 11 field-based programs aimed at serving smaller forest owners that previously could not find someone to work on their property. Programs also help to demonstrate and educate–in the field–the forest or arboricultural process so they can be replicated by the CFA member or forest owner.
2025 represents a new chapter for CFA and John. Good luck to both.

May the Forest Be with You,
Ryan Trapani
Director of Forest Services
Catskill Forest Association