Designed to improve all aspects of wildlife habitat specific to your objectives,
while simultaneously enhancing the health of the forest.
Utilizing a variety of techniques such as releasing crop trees, nut & fruit trees, hinge-cutting, patch clear cuts, creating brush piles, edge-feathering, and more, we can increase sunlight to the forest floor and provide natural food, water, and cover to your land so that a variety of wildlife species can soon call your forest ‘home’.
We focus on low-intensity and/or high-intensity cuts tailored for your landscape and goals. We also improve nesting and foraging opportunities for birds and other wildlife by creating snag trees. Pollinators are not forgotten and habitat can be addressed as well through adding sunlight to allow native plants to thrive, and occasionally through plantings, too.
We believe that proper management is proportional to access to your woodlot, therefore we are happy to take the time to cut open trails and forested roads.
Wildlife habitat assessments can be covered during consultations. We’ll explore your property with you and give advice on what you can do to improve your forest’s wildlife habitat.
Additional Information
- CFA staff are fully insured and have completed Game of Logging training.
- All safety measures will be taken into consideration when felling trees on your property.
- Ask us about cost-share funding available for this program!