Maple sugaring season may be underway or in fact waning down as temperature-forecasts show a warming trend in central Ulster County. However, once temps remain above freezing consistently for a couple of days marks the time to spray dormant oil on your apple and pear trees. Advantages of using dormant oil (according to Illinois Extension) are: “(1) a wide range of activity against most species of mites and scales, including some activity on eggs; (2) minimal likelihood of insects’ or mites’ developing resistance; (3) generally less harmful to beneficial insects and mites than other pesticides; & (4) relatively safe to birds, humans, and other mammals.” The disadvantages can be improper timing or rate which can cause damage to leaf-tissue; Just read the label. Hopefully this growing season won’t be as rainy as the last one.


May the forest be with you,


Ryan Trapani

Director of Forest Services

Catskill Forest Association