Our office will be temporarily closed while we relocate to our new building. Please consider contributing any amount to help us move! Click here to donate.
Our office will be temporarily closed while we relocate to our new building. Please consider contributing any amount to help us move! Click here to donate.
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Forest Health Woods Walk

New CFA Office 42710 State Route 28, Arkville, NY, United States

Every year it seems like there is some new pest or disease is threatening the health of your woods. You've heard of the impacts of the emerald ash borer and hemlock woolly adelgid. What about the long legacy of farm abandonment? The change in human views of land-use? And theContinue Reading


Game of Logging Level I

901 Stanley Slater Road, Prattsville 901 Stanley Slater Road, Prattsville, United States

Game of Logging (GOL) is widely acknowledged as the premier chainsaw safety and productivity training program in the country, offering hands-on chainsaw safety training in a competitive environment. Top instructors across the country combine demonstration with participation to teach chainsaw safety, productivity, conservation, and cutting techniques. This is a LEVELContinue Reading


Chainsaw Sharpening & Maintenance

22 Deans Road, Napanoch, NY 12458 22 Deans Road, Napanoch, United States

The modern chainsaw is a must-have tool for most Catskill Mountain landowners, yet it can seem daunting to wield and expensive to maintain. Join ISA Certified Arborist Charlie Blume for a hands-on workshop on how to ensure your tool has a longer-span, saving you time and money! Charlie will coverContinue Reading


Seeing Like An Arborist

1 East Strand St. Kingston, NY 1 East Strand Street, Kingston, NY, United States

The life of a tree is known from its wounds. The stress history of an individual tree can be inferred from its present form, structure, and visual markers on the wood. Join ISA Certified Arborist, Zane Lawyer, as he walks the Historic Rondout-West Strand District. Unique specimens in the areaContinue Reading


Alaskan Sawmill Demonstration

New CFA Office 42710 State Route 28, Arkville, NY, United States

Some logs are too big for CFA to drag out of the woods and mill with our transportable sawmill. Instead, these behemoths can be milled where they lay with an Alaskan sawmill. This event will be a demonstration of an Alaskan sawmill on a large white pine trunk taken downContinue Reading


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