Last winter was pretty mild. It probably wasn’t the greatest for snowshoeing or other winter activities, but it was good for maple sugaring. Sugaring requires “warm” days in the 40s followed by freezing nights to induce sap flow. Due to these mild temperatures, I burned less than 1.5 cords, which is pretty low. This winter–so far–I’ve already burned 1.5 cords and we’re only about half-way through the season. At my house, temperatures got down to about -5 degrees, while near Margaretville I heard reports of more than -15 degrees. It looks like this maple sugaring season is on track for a “normal” start time in central Ulster County where old-timers told me they usually tapped between Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12th) and President’s Day (February 17th).


May the Forest Be with You,



Ryan Trapani

Director of Forest Services

Catskill Forest Association