Not really the best photo, but it’s difficult to get a good one when the train is moving. I had to go down to NYC for an appointment recently; First time in over a decade! My favorite part about going to Manhattan is the train ride from Poughkeepsie to Grand Central Station. The train parallels the Hudson River most of the time. Between the wildlife, natural and cultural features, commerce, and history seen from this ride, it doesn’t fail to keep my attention. I grew up hunting below Beacon near the tracks as a kid and it brought back some memories. Between the steep terrain surrounding West Point to the Palisades just north of the city, the Hudson sure is hemmed in with a small amount of flood plain. Still, people have managed to use this beautiful river that I find to this day to be one of the most impressive.

May the Forest Be with You,



Ryan Trapani

Director of Forest Services

Catskill Forest Association