Preserve large-sized trees with structural defects.
A common structural condition with a high risk of failure is a co-dominant stem, or a weak junction often referred to as a “V-crotch.” Because of the lack of sufficient direct structural connections between the co-dominant stems, they are structurally weaker than a single stem or normal branch union, especially if bark is included between two or more stems. These unions may fail when pulled directly apart or when moved to the side (shearing). To mitigate this condition, a cable is installed to hold the two stems together and prolong the tree’s life.
CFA’s ISA-Certified Arborists will ascend the tree using ropes and harnesses to install a cable between the main stems of your tree. This will protect against “failure” and allow you to enjoy your tree without worry of damage to your house or property, or to the tree itself.
Structural Pruning
Improve tree structure by establishing
a dominant leader.
Many trees have “poor structure” since they are open-grown and were never pruned. Although the tree’s crown is large and healthy from plenty of sunlight, structural defects can be abundant, hazardous, and detrimental to the tree. Structural tree pruning seeks to encourage the development of a central, dominant leader and spacing of “scaffold” or main branches along the stem.
Please note that not all structural defects can be remedied, and some may require several years or more.