Our office will be temporarily closed while we relocate to our new building. Please consider contributing any amount to help us move! Click here to donate.
Our office will be temporarily closed while we relocate to our new building. Please consider contributing any amount to help us move! Click here to donate.
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Wild Game Potluck Dinner

Catskill Forest Association, Inc 42710 State Highway 28, Arkville, NY, United States

Join us for a potluck dinner at CFA's new office building! Bring your favorite wild game or forest edible dish to share. The new office kitchen has an electric stove top and oven for use. Microwave and small convection oven is also available. Kitchen space is limited so be sure toContinue Reading


Game of Logging Level I

652 Katrina Falls Road, Rock Hill, NY 652 Katrina Falls Road, Rock Hill, NY, United States

Game of Logging (GOL) is widely acknowledged as the premier chainsaw safety and productivity training program in the country, offering hands-on chainsaw safety training in a competitive environment. Top instructors across the country combine demonstration with participation to teach chainsaw safety, productivity, conservation, and cutting techniques. This is a LEVELContinue Reading


Game of Logging Level I

3764 Dunk Hill Road, Walton, NY 3764 Dunk Hill Road, Walton, NY, United States

Game of Logging (GOL) is widely acknowledged as the premier chainsaw safety and productivity training program in the country, offering hands-on chainsaw safety training in a competitive environment. Top instructors across the country combine demonstration with participation to teach chainsaw safety, productivity, conservation, and cutting techniques. This is a LEVELContinue Reading


Forest Flowers Woods Walk

Rider Hollow Trail Head Rider Hollow Shelter, Arkville, NY, United States

Early May, before the trees cast a deep shadow under their canopies, understory plants are able to soak in the sun's rays and show off their flowers. Dutchman’s breeches, spring beauties, trout lilies, and trilliums are just a few of the flowers that carpet the Catskill forest floor in theContinue Reading


Hands-on Firewood Intensive

New CFA Office 42710 State Route 28, Arkville, NY, United States

Catskill Forest Association is proud to offer a hands-on firewood training course for landowners interested in felling, bucking, and splitting their own firewood. Participants will learn: Basic woodlot firewood management Basic tools and maintenance Splitting techniques and methods Bucking of downed trees to length Stacking and seasoning Participants are expectedContinue Reading


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Website maintained by Catskill Analytics, LLC

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