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Our office will be temporarily closed while we relocate to our new building. Please consider contributing any amount to help us move! Click here to donate.

Our office will be temporarily closed while we relocate to our new building. Please consider contributing any amount to help us move! Click here to donate.

Orienteering and Bushwhack Hike

Davidson's General Store 2 Goff Road Suite 1, Livingston Manor, NY, United States

With GPS technology now available at our fingertips, it seems that the skillset of following the good ol' map and compass is waning–and not for the better. Instead, many rely on their cell phones for journeys through the woods. However, in the event of an emergency, dead battery, bad weather,Continue Reading


Wilderness and the Human Role

Mountain Top Library 6093 Main Street, Tannersville, NY, United States

The concept of "wilderness" has changed throughout history, and can influence the way we relate to the natural world. Zane Lawyer, CFA Education Arborist, will give a talk on the evolving meaning of wilderness and its significance for the future of the Catskill region. Following the presentation, a wide-ranging openContinue Reading

Ginseng Cultivation Workshop

125 Kaftas Road 125 Kaftas Road, Halcott Center, NY, United States

The Catskill Mountains are home to wild-grown American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), some of the most sought-after and highest-priced ginseng in the world. Due to its value, not just to humans but forest critters as well, ginseng is under unique pressure from wildlife browse and overharvesting. What better way to helpContinue Reading


Wilderness and the Human Role

Mamakating Environmental Education Center (MEEC) 762 South Road, Wurtsboro, United States

The concept of "wilderness" has changed throughout history, and can influence the way we relate to the natural world. Zane Lawyer, CFA Education Arborist, will give a talk on the evolving meaning of wilderness and its significance for the future of the Catskill region. Following the presentation, a wide-ranging openContinue Reading

Game of Logging Level II

7433 State Route 28 7433 State Route 28, Shandaken, United States

Game of Logging (GOL) is widely acknowledged as the premier chainsaw safety and productivity training program in the country, offering hands-on chainsaw safety training in a competitive environment. Top instructors across the country combine demonstration with participation to teach chainsaw safety, productivity, conservation, and cutting techniques. This is a LEVELContinue Reading


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