WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Went for a hike up on Sam’s Point–Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Shawangunk Ridge–last weekend. Haven’t been up there in a while. One photo shows the aftermath of a fire, leaving behind pitch pine and lowbush blueberry; 2 species highly adapted to frequent fire. TheContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? It’s been a cold winter, at least compared to what we’ve experienced in the last few years. Last year this time, I was wrapping up my maple sugaring season. Today (February 22nd) marks an “old-fashioned” start time. The older residents of the area tellContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Saw this tree growing far up the mountain in the Town of Olive doing great. It looks like an American holly tree (Ilex opaca). Despite being a broad-leafed tree, it keeps its leaves all year round. You can also see its attractive red berries.Continue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Seeing trees like this near one’s house is what keeps tree guys in business for sure. The ash trees probably began growing as “volunteers” or from seed and let go over the past 40 or so years. Now they have been infected by emeraldContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? I was out pruning some apple trees in Andes, Delaware County and noticed this behemoth sugar maple growing nearby. The photo doesn’t do it justice, but that hollow could fit a few families of racoons for sure. Hollowed out trees can be good forContinue Reading