WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Thursday, January 25th marked my first boil of the 2024 Maple Sugaring Season. Although last week was quite “wintry” with cold temperatures freezing everything up, this week and the foreseeable forecast is quite “maply.” Highs are climbing into the 40s and freezing at night,Continue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Finally got some winter weather. This photo was taken on the Shawangunk Ridge in Cragsmoor, Ulster County. Here, we are reducing the height of an overgrown pear tree. In the other photo we’re pruning an old apple tree riddled with bear damage. As I’veContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Somehow came across this blog online where people across the country had submitted old hunting photos. Many of them were intriguing for a variety of reasons, mainly the size of bucks taken back in the day. It wasn’t just their antlers, but their massContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? The 2024 Apple Tree Pruning season has begun at CFA. We are scheduled to prune every day from early January into early April. Since doing this pruning program 5 or so years ago, we sure do get to know winter in the Catskills. LastContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Lots of rain the last few days. Something I’ve been fascinated by is the build-up of foam in a stream after heavy rain. I wondered what caused it. According to the Ausable River Association, “Foam build-up is more prevalent in streams and rivers after rainfallContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Every deer has something unique or peculiar about them. This buck had broad paddle-like antlers at the base of his main-beam tines, kind of like a moose; Photos don’t really do it justice though.  I have seen this trait on a few Catskill deerContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Another deer hunting season is in the books–or more accurately–the freezer. The deer I got had a good amount of fat on them indicating decent health, which is good to see; most likely from abundant acorns where I was. My second daughter Maple seemsContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Several years ago, while hiking in early fall, I snapped a photo of the sun hitting one of my favorite and familiar mountains. It stuck out to me & reminded me of that camping trip. Last September–while on my hiking trip again in theContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Thanksgiving is over and that means the Christmas season is in full swing in my house. Each year we visit Bell’s Christmas Tree Farm near Accord, Ulster County. This year we chose a Douglas fir; Its form and appearance seemed just right. Normally IContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Don’t get me wrong. I’d like to kill a big buck like most hunters. But, at the end of the day, I’m a deer hunter and does are exciting enough for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any doe tags during Opening Day weekend ofContinue Reading