WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Stole some time for a couple hours Saturday evening & sat against an old stone wall waiting for a deer to show itself. Well, none showed up, but no matter. Waiting gave me some time to wonder how many hunters had hunted this littleContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Got a chance to take the gun for a walk on Opening Day of Gun Season. Saw a couple of deer. More notably, I watched a medium-sized black bear dig under leaves for food for 1/2 hour. He was so pre-occupied with his foragingContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Apple trees are tough. Many trees have long turned color & dropped their leaves to the ground; not apple. Some apples still have green leaves & haven’t given up on taking in some sunshine just yet. There is a tree here in Arkville IContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Two nights ago I got to experience quite a remote and “foresty” rendezvous just after nightfall. Just after dark & sitting 25 feet or so in a red maple I heard the soft crunches of leaves from one side. They were quickly answered byContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Last week I got my first doe of the hunting season (it’s currently archery season). The doe was healthy looking & average-sized for the area I hunt. Each year I take notice of the fat growing on the deer’s rump. I use this fatContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Fall foliage this season was one of the best in years. As you might have guessed, red & sugar maple were awesome, showing off their blazing red and golden colors. However, oak trees were no slouch either. I even noticed a sassafras* tree thatContinue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? Don’t let this happen to your apple tree! Release it from over-topping/competing trees before it’s too late. CFA can release apple trees – among other fruit & nut-bearing trees – in your forest during any time of year.   May the forest be withContinue Reading

What’s Going on the Forest? Fall! The fall colors are just that much more stunning 400 feet above a mountain in the Catskills. We can use our Drone to aid in your property aerial photography, property mapping, or just have a little fun. Give us a call to learn moreContinue Reading

Hen of the Woods Mushroom (aka Maitake) is popular this time of year. It grows in clusters around dying oak trees. Keep your eyes peeled though! it blends into the fall leaves! For more information on mushrooms, join us on one of our mushroom woods walks!Continue Reading

WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE FOREST? This might be one of the best fall foliage seasons I have seen. When I crossed over into Narrow Notch & into South Kortright, Delaware County, the sugar maples still had all their golden leaves & the red maples had their red leaves too,Continue Reading