Red Oak, Tree, Acorns, Wildlife food

Red oak trees seem to have a healthy acorn crop this year. This is important for wildlife as a food source, especially with the lack of other mast crops this year, like apple. There has been a lot of deer squirrel, chipmunk, and turkey activity in oak stands this pastContinue Reading

epicormic sprout

So this is interesting: Beech trees seem to only epicormic sprout when hinge cut, they do not appear to root sprout. This allows for the removal of the shading beech while providing cover for wildlife. There is not vigorous beech growth from the roots allowing for regeneration of other species.Continue Reading

Immediately after.

Ohh the growth just after two years! Wildlife habitat is coming into its prime on this property with oak trees in the overstory and young oak, maple, and birch vigorously competing in the understory. I found evidence of bear, raccoon, deer, chipmunk, grey squirrel, and countless songbirds on my shortContinue Reading